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All Retail Stores will close today at 2PM due to inclement weather.

Since 1991.

Since 1991.

Rooted in Running.

In the summer of 1991, Pacers Running opened on the corner of King and Payne street in Old Town Alexandria.

Driven by a passion for the sport, Pacers was a new kind of store that specialized exclusively in running footwear and gear. Thanks to a running boom that began in the 70s and gained momentum in the 80s, Americans were running like never before, and Pacers Running was there to lead the movement in the DMV.

Since that humble beginning over 30 years ago, running has continued to transform lives and grow in popularity more than anyone could have imagined. We have tried to keep up; opening new stores, creating new races, building a robust network of free community runs and events, launching an ecommerce store that ships nationwide, and welcoming over a million runners and athletes of all abilities through our doors.

Today, nearly 33 years since the first Pacers opened, we are excited to debut a new brand. Our new logo and visual identity is rooted in our hometown, honors our past, and propels us toward an exciting future where running continues to play a bigger and bigger role in everyone’s lives. 

We know that a new logo does not define us. Rather, it is a great business, driven by its people and championed by its customers, that makes a brand truly special. We are still Pacers Running, that has not changed. But we hope that our new logo and identity better captures the essence of who we are: passionate, humble, hungry, and energized to be here to support you and as many people as possible through running for the next 33 years (It also looks really good on apparel!).

Thank you for your support over the years. We hope you’ll run with us for many more to come.

For every run.

Chris & Kathy
Partners, Pacers Running