top picks for the beginner runner

Alexandria's Holiday Gift Guide

Meet Alexandria, an accomplished distance runner with an impressive track record, having conquered the Boston Marathon twice and all six Abbott World Major Marathons. She's also a Digital Marketing Manager, bridging her professional expertise with her passion for running.

Alexandria shares her top holiday picks for beginner runners here, ensuring a remarkable season with the right gear.

1. Running shoes

A good pair of running shoes tailored to one's feet and running style is essential to prevent injuries and ensure running comfort.

2. Moisture-Wicking Apparel

Invest in moisture-wicking shirts, shorts, and socks. These fabrics draw sweat away from the body, keeping runners dry and comfortable, especially in cold weather.

3. Reflective Gear

With shorter daylight hours during the holidays, reflective vests, armbands, or clip-on lights enhance visibility and safety, especially if you're running in the early morning or evening.

4. Headlamp / LED Light

For runners who prefer early morning or late-night runs, a good quality headlamp or LED light can light the way, ensuring safety and visibility.

5. Hydration Gear

Staying hydrated is crucial. Invest in a comfortable handheld water bottle, a hydration belt, or a hydration vest that allows runners to carry water hands-free.

6. Fitness Tracker / Smartwatch

A fitness tracker or smartwatch can monitor progress track distance, time, heart rate, and other vital stats, motivating beginners to achieve their running goals.

7. Foam Roller / Massage Stick

Recovery is critical, especially for beginners. Foam rollers and
massage sticks help relieve muscle soreness and aid in recovery after runs.

8. Gift Cards

If you don’t know what to get, a gift card to a local running
store, like Pacers Running, allows them to choose the gear and accessories they need.